
Welcome to Masterpiece of Grace. We are thrilled you decided to take a look at our site. I hope you find strength, encouragement, and hope in the articles you’ll read here. We decided on the name “Masterpiece of Grace” because we read in Ephesians 2 that God has put us on display -in spite of our brokenness -to show the world that we are his trophies of grace. We have all been saved and restored by God’s grace, and we read in verse 10 of Ephesians 2, “For we are God’s masterpiece” (NLT).

God has taken broken vessels like me and you and made us into masterpieces of grace. We are not masterpieces because we have lived nearly perfect lives. We are not masterpieces because we have never been broken. We are masterpieces because we were broken beyond human repair, but God was able to take our brokenness and make something beautiful.

This is the truth I had to learn the long and hard way; God had to break me beyond human repair. He took my talents and showed me how useless they were without him. He allowed my squeaky clean life to be spotted with a shameful and unbearable stigma. He turned my life and my family upside down. He took me as low as I have ever been in my life, and I had nowhere to look but up for any ray of hope.

After surviving the ordeal, I asked, “How could God ever use someone like me after what I’ve done?” The answer is simple -because he specializes in restoring broken people. Let’s be honest, would we call God’s grace “amazing” if it only saved good people? Would his grace be amazing if he could only use perfect, unbroken people for his service?

Maybe you have struggled with the same question. If you have, I want you to know that God offers hope in his word. You are not “damaged goods.” You are not on the “wall of shame.” You are not a useless vessel. You are a masterpiece of grace, and God is proud to call you his child, and he wants to use you more than you want to be used.

I hope, through the writings on this site, and the power of scripture and prayer, you will find the hope you need to expel the shame that has hidden your testimony and silenced your voice for the Kingdom of God. God bless you in your journey of growth.
